Foot Massage Chart

How to Use a Foot Massage Chart

See below for a free, printable foot massage chart. Reflexology is a method of affecting the internal organs and systems of the body by applying pressure to specific areas on the hands, ears, or feet. Many refer to this as “foot massage,” but there are actually many differences. Reflexology does not just working on the muscles, tendons, facia and circulation of the feet. It also addresses other areas and organs of the body by working “reflex areas.” I generally like to combine reflexology with a regular foot massage, as reflexology can be a bit ‘pokey.’  People often like to have a bit of ‘feel-good’ stuff mixed in.

Here is a foot massage chart that you can use as a guide for determining which areas of the feet to work. 

Use This Diagram to Determine Which Areas to Work.

free printable foot massage chart
Click here or on the image if you would like a printer-friendly version of this free, printable reflexology chart.
Creative Commons License Little Epiphany Reflexology Chart by Stacy Simone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Reflexology Resources

Do you want to learn reflexology? These form-fitting reflexology socks and informative reference books will also help get you on your way.

Below are some links to other reflexology charts, including a reflexology hand chart and an ear reflexology chart / ear reflexology map, and also a foot massage video. There are many places on the web where you can find free foot reflexology charts. Here are a few places to look:

Natural Transition Foot Massage ChartClick here for a foot reflexology chart by Natural Transition. Natural Transition provides information, tools and support for parents and babies.

Foot Massage Chart - Sole of FootClick here for a few more reflexology charts

Bill Flocco hand reflexology chartClick here for Bill Flucco’s Reflexology Hand Chart. In general, the reflex areas on the hand are similar to those on the feet.

Bill Flocco ear reflexology chartHere is a link to an ear reflexology map by Bill Flucco. This ear reflexology chart will help you to determine the correct points of the ear on which to apply pressure. The ear is a less well-known, but also very effective form of reflexology.

Here Is a Short Video Clip to Help You Learn Some Techniques of Foot Reflexology. Courtesy of